Rules for thee… but not the LBYC?

Should The Lake Beulah Yacht Club (LBYC) be Granted Approval to Extend Their Operating Hours to 12 a.m.?

We’ve Received notice from the Town regarding the 4/3/2024 Planning Commission meeting! Curiously, we noticed the Lake Beulah Yacht Club (LBYC) has a Conditional Use Amendment request to extend their current operational hours by 2 hours. Today their operational hours are 6 am to 10 pm and they would like to extend them to 12 am.

As we recall, Supervisor Wucherer provided many points of concern when addressing the Conditional Use requested by Cash Bar Enterprises at the July 19, 2023 meeting. Mikko, of Cash Bar Enterprises, proposed to erect a Container Bar and Food Truck venue on the old Pub/Bar Double D’s property on County Road J. If you are unfamiliar with this request, please check it out in the “Did You Know” tab at this link;

It will be interesting to see if Supervisor Wucherer lodges the same 6 concerns (below) against the LBYC request as he lodged against Cash Bar Enterprises in that July 19th meeting!

(1) Restaurant/Bar Conditional Use
(2) Public Assembly
(3) Noise Concerns
(4) Environmental Concerns
(5) Lighting Concerns
(6) Parking Issues

During the upcoming 4/8/2024 Board meeting, it will also be interesting to see if the Chairman of the Town Board sends this LBYC Conditional Use request back (if approved) to the Planning Commission for insufficient opportunity for public comment!

LBYC is located next door to Lulabells Dockside restaurant both virtually on the Lake Beulah shore. Our sources confirm that the LBYC play’s music outdoors and could entertain up to 175 patrons, which directly exposes music/noise to Lake Beulah. According to the few residents in opposition to the Double D’s proposal in July 2023, music/noise can carry for a very long distance on the lake which effectively exposes many residents to unnatural music/noise. After all, according to Supervisor Wucherer, “One person’s music is another person’s noise!”

Since Cash Bar Enterprises was subjected to a 3-4 months approval process, participated in four separate meetings and invested in numerous costly proposal revisions before he gave up his request, why would this extension to 12 am be granted or approved? Should their hours be reduced to 9 pm?

Please plan to attend this important Planning Commission meeting on 4/3/2024 at 6:30 pm to express your noise concerns about this request! Your voices need to be heard! The Double D’s proposal was a very reasonable venue that the entire town could have enjoyed and Mikko was willing to reduce his 11 a.m. to 10 p.m. hours of operation to 9 p.m. to satisfy all the complaints! The LBYC is a private club with a limited number of members; much less than the 4,200+ town residents!

If this LBYC request is approved, then Mikko’s request should have been approved and all other Town Electors’ requests to operate after 10 p.m. (up to 12 a.m.) should be approved!


Town Bias?
