Removal & Disposal of Campaign Yard Signs

A Campaign sign located in the right-of-way that has not been removed by the Town.

Did you know that Town of East Troy Supervisor Candidate Joe Jahner’s campaign yard signs were placed in yards, with residents’ approval, but are being removed from their original placement locations?

One of these removed signs was found behind the Town of East Troy’s dumpster!

Is this a right-of-way issue or a much more nefarious activity?

It would seem that Bill Wucherer’s signs are being put in the right of way and not being removed or moved. So, is it a right-of-way issue or a we-don’t-want-that-candidates-signs-visible-out-there issue?

Town ordinance 15.05.160(18) does not state that they will be removed and disposed of if improperly placed.

We the Town People will be watching for all four of the candidate’s signage placement going forward to be placed according to the Town and State signage rules.

See the Town ordinance and State Statute for reference to compare and contrast the two ordinances. In our view, the Town’s ordinance is much more restrictive than the State’s.


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