Charles Frank

Candidate for Town Board Supervisor

Charles Frank 

2024 Candidate for Town Board Supervisor

Charles Frank has had his vacation home in the township for more than 9 years, he and his wife Karen have been part of the community for the past 24 years by visiting family in the township with their primary residency still being in the state of Illinois. He feels his civic duty is “to serve and give back” to the community. He has devoted his life to helping others.

For nearly 40 years he was a practicing Orthopedic Surgeon, in a large, successful practice he founded and helped run in Illinois. He retired three years ago. He is married with 11 grandchildren with whom he is very active. In 2021 he graduated from Northwestern Law School with a Master of Science in Law. He feels this legal background will provide for better listening and evaluating the “pros and cons” of the Town of East Troy’s community issues. He states that he is a consensus builder. He also states, “The Village Board of Seven manages the East Troy Town property, finances, highways, streets, navigable waters, and the community’s health, safety, and welfare. The board may carry its powers into effect by license, regulation, suppression, borrowing, taxation, special assessment, appropriation, and fine.”

Please Note: The Village of East Troy’s board of 7 does not Manage the Town of East Troy.

Investigative Thoughts

The Flyer Charles Frank Distributed

East Troy Town Board

Applying for Board Position, Spring 2024

Charles Frank, MD, MBA


Charles Frank is an East Troy resident.  With a home in the township for more than 9 years, he and his wife Karen have been part of the community for the past 24 years visiting family in the township.  He feels his civic duty is “to serve and give back” to the community.

He has devoted his life to helping others.  For nearly 40 years he was a practicing Orthopedic Surgeon, in a large, successful practice he founded and helped run.  He retired three years ago.  He is married with 11 grandchildren with whom his is very active.  In 2021 he graduated from Northwestern Law School with a Master of Science in Law.  This legal background provides for better listening and evaluating the “pros and cons” of community issues.  He is a consensus builder.

The Village Board of seven manages the East Troy Town property, finances, highways, streets, navigable waters, and the community’s health, safety, and welfare.  The board may carry its powers into effect by license, regulation, suppression, borrowing, taxation, special assessment, appropriation, and fine.

Charles Frank, MD, MBA, MSL

Comments & Perspective

from East Troy Township’s actual residents.

“With a home in the township for more than 9 years, he and his wife Karen have been part of the community”

  • There are mixed signals on his home in the township. Yes, Charles and his wife have owned property on Lake Beulah since 2014. However, the property tax bills have been mailed to the state of Illinois from 2014 – 2023.

  • Has the property at N9491 East Shore been his primary residence or a second home?

  • Member of the Lake Beulah Yacht Club.

“He feels his civic duty is “to serve and give back” to the community.”

  • Again, there are mixed signals on his level of commitment to the Town’s community. Charles has been identified as a registered voter in the state of Illinois for the past 9 years.

  • A source has confirmed that he recently registered to vote in the state of Wisconsin.

  • Has he, or will he declare residency in Wisconsin for 2024?

“In 2021 he graduated from Northwestern Law School with a Master of Science in Law. The board may carry its powers into effect by license, regulation, suppression, borrowing, taxation, special assessment, appropriation, and fine”.

  • Believes in MORE government regulation, not less.

  • Mr. Frank states in his flyer that the board can carry its powers into effect by License, Regulation, Suppression, Borrowing, taxation, special assessment, appropriation, and fine.

  • All of these action items are incredibly punitive for the town taxpayers. Please note: The definition of appropriation is “the action of taking something for one's own use, typically without the owner's permission.” Is this what we want a town board member (especially one from Chicago!) suggesting as enforcement on the small town of East Troy taxpayers?

“The Village Board of seven manages the East Troy Town property, finances, highways, streets, navigable waters, and the community’s health, safety, and welfare”.

  • NOT educated on the structure of the Town of East Troy Board or the Town community. This is very concerning!

  • The Town oversees township roads, however not highways or County roads. The DNR and Lake Districts oversee navigable waters, not the Town. Again, this is very concerning with his lack of knowledge in our township!