Charles Frank - Position Statements
Our Thoughts on this…
These position statements are definitely a step up from the summary he provided in his original biography which was distributed before Christmas. However, we see some concerns…
I’m not sure we need another attorney advising this board. Legal outcomes should be the last resort when dealing with town issues. We need a caring, compassionate permanent town resident on our board who considers the reality of any local issue and who looks to do “the right thing” for the situation, not the legal thing.
It is quite concerning that Charles feels it important to list all his credentials behind his name. It speaks of bureaucratic tendencies and being rigidly devoted to the details of administrative procedures.
What does “I bring professionalism and balance in law to the supervisor position” mean? What does “balance in law” mean? What happened to common sense?
How does being ‘new to politics’, relate to not being beholden to anyone? There is no correlation between the two. What does being a good listener have to do with wanting people's views to count? Again, no correlation.